People nowadays spend a lot of time on social media. This makes social media marketing an extremely powerful strategy to boost traffic or revenue for your business. In this video, our SEO Expert shares how he uses social media to create great content and effectively spread your brand through different channels.
What Is Social Media Marketing?
What is social media marketing? Well this is social media marketing. For example, this video in this box. Social media marketing is not just Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, God forbid and it’s YouTube. YouTube is the biggest platform in the world it’s the biggest social media is actually the second largest search engine out there. So try to make videos put them on your social media and then do that marketing back and forth send people from your YouTube channel or Rumble channel to your whatever platform you want to try to sell. Maybe it’s a Facebook Marketplace, maybe you’re a local car dealer, maybe you I don’t know sell unique carpets or swords. Who knows what you’re trying to do but it’s back and forth. Also with your website you can send people from social media to your website that’s gonna boost your websites SEO and also help your clients not to lose you there so if they go to your page and you link on your page to your website people go back and forth so this is perfect social media marketing closed Circle between you and your customers.